Today, the electrical work in our new server room was finally finished! Also, our network problems are over! Connectivity has been restored - all thanks to IST, who swooped in today to hook OCF up to their own network. Not only do we receive a steady fiber connection, but we also get IPv6 and our very own subnet.
So why aren't OCF services up and running, you ask? Well, all the IP addresses have changed because we are on a different subnet. This means that in addition to flashing all the switches, we must also renumber all the IPs on our servers, which we have many of. This is quite a task, requiring staff members to sit in the server room with a screen and keyboard and reconfigure every single server we have. Since a couple staff members are returning to Berkeley this weekend, I am planning to do this on Monday so that they can help me out. And since everything that can go wrong already has, I am going to be optimistic and hope that we won't run into any problems bringing servers online. If all goes well, OCF can be back up by Tuesday morning!